Short Rant about ActiveSupport::Concern

This is a copy/paste of a comment I made on an internal pull request. I had been tagged on it because on my hard stance against ActiveSupport::Concern, asking me to clarify my objections. I’ve reworded my reply where it made sense.

Here is the code on which I was asked to comment:

Mistaking Authentication for Identification

Disclaimer: I am not a security expert, nor a systems expert. The following text is tinted by my understanding and experience, and probably contains mistakes or misunderstandings.

Earlier this year, I accidentally uncovered a flaw in GitHub, Heroku and many other similar providers. The flaw essentially allows a denial of service to some users with little effort from the attacker. The situation has not been fixed, and it likely will not be. At the center of the problem is the fundamental mistake of thinking that authentication can be a substitute for identification.